The Arnold factor and our pending name change

Aug 11, 2003 | No Comments

So, I’ve discovered the silver-lining in Arnold: his liberal social politics are at direct odds with the Bush administration and much of the ultra right-wing GOP which Bush has aligned himself with. Arnie’s pro-choice, and believes gay couples should be allowed to adopt. When Bush was asked about homosexuality, he astutely replied: “I am mindful that we’re all sinners, and I caution those who may try to take the speck out of their neighbor’s eye when they got a log in their own.” Whatever the fuck that means you coke-snorting boozer. Point being this could cause some serious rifts in the GOP given that California is the world’s 5th largest economy and Arnold isn’t rank-and-file GOP.
I did enjoy Arianna’s display on Friday: every reporter within 500 miles showed up at the Santa Monica records office where Arnold was to file his papers to run. Arianna also showed up, butting her way in front of Arnold and knocking down a microphone stand to give herself some attention. Smart girl. It’s really sad — she gave a full 30 minutes of interviews while Arnold was inside with Skeletina filing his papers, and not one second of that made it on TV — and she actually answered the questions she was asked! It seems the outcome of this short race is inevitable, given the 1987 repeal of the “equal-time” law. Even though I think this recall is wrong, it would be nice if Arianna got some attention — sorta like My Big Fat Greek Election. She’s obnoxious enough to do whatever it takes, so don’t count her out…
Meanwhile, it looks like AOL Time Warner is going back to just being Time Warner, now that the “crown jewel” (I knew that title would come back to bite them in the ass) is not the shining star it was once. In all honesty, AOL could survive on it’s own, as it did from 1985 to 2000, but a spin-off or selling of the unit at this point would give the street too much of a “I told you so” satisfaction. I doubt this will do much to save things, as the idioticy that infects the company festers in full bloom on a daily basis, but who knows… point is, I could really care less.

California Governor’s Race: Arnold’s Chances

Aug 9, 2003 | 4 Comments

Scale of 1 (not a chance in hell) to 10 (he’s a shoe-in)

1    6
2    7
3    8
4    9
5    10

average: of votes

An Austrian, a crippled smut king, and a midget walk into a bar…

Aug 6, 2003 | 3 Comments

Well, perhaps not a bar, but they’re trying to make their way into the California governor’s mansion.
Terminator and sexual harasser Arnold Schwarzenegger entered the race today, joining the likes of Larry Flynt, porn star “Angelyne,” Gary Coleman, and Gallagher — yes, he of watermelon-smashing fame.
Political pundit Arianna Huffington and her gay ex-husband Michael have both thrown their hats in the ring, but Diane Feinstein has declined — perhaps wisely considering a single vote for governor could be spent on any one of 350+ candidates.
Well, at least the whole world won’t be laughing at us… *cough*

geoURLs… or… I’m surrounded by idiots

Aug 5, 2003 | No Comments

I added a geoURL. A fascinating, yet completely frightening experience. For example, there’s “saladwithsteve” or “Tuna Breath” — neither of which I’ve had the guts to click on. See the results for yourself.

In news

Bourbon and Mosquitos

Aug 4, 2003 | One Comment

Damn. A Jim Beam distillery in Kentucky burned up to the ground, taking with it more than 1M gallons of bourbon.
Meanwhile, a mosquito that entered my downstairs window on Friday night, then involved me in a viscous cat-and-mouse game throughout the weekend, met her end last night. After landing on the wall over the couch, poised to strike, I spotted the fucker and smashed her bloodsucking ass against the wall. Hard. The bastard got 4 good bites off of me on Friday night as I slept. Throughout the weekend, I spent many an hour stalking like Predator, constantly being teased as she would pass in front of me only to disappear — somewhere, anywhere, watching me like a delicious platter of veins. I vowed, obsessed, and stayed up all Saturday night refusing to sleep until my seek and destroy mission was complete. Last night, I slept like a baby… bite free. And today I bought some 100% DEET Off! repellant. Sure, I’ll probably grow an extra cancerous testicle, but at least I’ll be mosquito-bite free.
Bottom line: I suppose I won’t be saluting my West Nile virus with Jim Beam…

SBC Sues RIAA; porn firm goes after swapper identities

Aug 2, 2003 | No Comments

SBC subsidiary Pacific Bell Internet has sued the RIAA to stop subpoenas to release the names of internet music swappers. As much as I loathe SBC, when it comes to this, good for them.
But of more particular interest, is the mention that porn-house Titan Media has also sued to identify 59 swappers presumably passing around clips of their boy-on-boy smutfests.
At their current clip, it’ll be 2200 years before the RIAA can sue all 60M file swappers. But… rather than end up as a statistic:
• The EFF has a page on how to protect yourself.
• The RIAA has stupidly posted a handy Excel spreadsheet of songs on their hit list.
• And Slyck News explores a possible pattern emerging in the RIAA tactics.

In work

Sucktacular Week

Jul 31, 2003 | No Comments

Well, I’ve put in something like 65 hours so far this week, and it’s only Thursday. (Mind you, I’m sallaried.) At least we got our product out the door today. Unfortunately, the Sybase box we’re on is shared with another group, whose ineffecient stp’s seem to suck up all of the six processors and leave us with latency issues. I’ve spent 15 hours on conf calls with Ops the last few days working through this, and let me tell you, I’m one unhappy camper.
Of course, the layoff rumors have started considering a client release is imminent. I give myself an 80/20 chance of surviving. Granted, a year ago, I’d of said 99/1… but management suffles have left me scrambling as to what new alliances I have to make.
Anyone want to help me open a restaurant? I can cook, and have the biz plan ready. 🙂

In tv

Bravo Fags Out

Jul 31, 2003 | One Comment

Being rather impartial to reality TV (okay, most of it is utter crap), there is one show which I’ve found rather enjoyable: Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. These bunch of ultra-coifed uber-cakeboys (the “Fab 5”) “fix” some poor straight boy, who has some predictable straight-boy goal in mind: asking a girlfriend to move in, popping the question, etc. It’s pure entertainment. Trust me.
Meanwhile, as Bravo continues to fag out, it’s introduced Boy meets Boy, which is your standard reality TV with, of course, an obvious twist.
Of course, if TV execs wanted a real ratings victory, they’d introduce some Lesbianonic reality show… talk about capturing your major demos.

Mmmm… expired medicine!

Jul 28, 2003 | No Comments

How many pills are we popping a day?

1    6
2    7
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4    9
5    10+

average: of votes