In me


Feb 26, 2006 | One Comment

…will be ready in about 6-7 hours:

New South Dakota License Plate

Feb 23, 2006 | One Comment

Well, at least they’re trying to be ‘hip’…

South Dakota passes abortion ban

In me

Drunk eBaying

Feb 19, 2006 | 2 Comments

Okay, I wasn’t really drunk. Not even drinking. (Well, bottled water and Crystal Light. schmeeve.. you’re so bad!)
But this is mine now.
So can’t afford the thing, but I need it, this thing I’m typing on is circa-1999, and it is a tax write-off…


Feb 12, 2006 | No Comments

So my RCA F38310 died (39″ HDTV CRT), something apparently not uncommon for these TVs, but it was a good run. Judging from the buzz, I’m not going to have much luck getting it fixed.
Anyone have any suggestions? It’s an odd era for TV — Plasma vs. LCD vs. LCD Projection vs. DLP, etc., etc. I’d like something at least 45″. Also, it needs to do standard without looking awful (projection and LCD’s seem to pixelate or distort rather badly.)

In me


Feb 9, 2006 | No Comments

Things I kinda wish I had:

  • Medical insurance. This forced me off Effexor for my panic attacks, and thankfully I’ve had none yet, but I’ve ratched up the irracibleness as a result and had a interesting few weeks through chemical withdrawal. (This also forced me off some shit for high blood-pressure, some patented shit I simply can not waste the money on. Extending my life by 5 years after I’m 60: not a concern at the moment.)
  • Car insurance. I didn’t pay, cuz, well, couldn’t. Car parked neatly in garage. Won’t drive. Thankfully, it’s an antique 2003 model with only 30k miles on it.
  • The pain of beating down doors to get paid for contract work. It’s lucrative, and all, when you get paid… a big WHEN
  • Thornton’s Toffee
  • TiVo2Go for the Mac. Or at least a crack. I so love DRMs.
  • A 10″ dick
  • Equal pay for being a woman.
  • Okay, last one was a lie.

No Irony Here, Move Along…

Feb 9, 2006 | No Comments

…and two years ago…

…and even funnier: All the “news” that’s fit to at least waste the Internets on, and my personal fave: the phrase “the shaving unit of Engergizer.”
Next week: I unveil my SIX-headed penis. 1 fu(k1n6 0wn.

In me

DisneyWhore 5000

Jan 12, 2006 | No Comments

Heh. I won four 3-day park hoppers for Disneyland California off KTVU from their “Ticket 2’s Days.”
I never win shit. So, um, yay me. I admit it — I love theme parks. Schmeeve vs. The Happiest Place on Earth is always fun.
Meanwhile, I’m dirt poor (haven’t gotten paid for December yet) and my mortgage is late as of the 15th. I also lost my car and medical insurance. Not so yay me.
Being poor sucks, if only temporarily…
So who’s up for some Disneyland? My wife and 2.2 children are, uh, out of town… or something.

In me

Ah, the Holidays…

Dec 25, 2005 | No Comments

2005 edition. I can basically sum it as such:

  • I moved on the 23rd, house still a mess. But working on it..
  • Yesterday, I discovered someone had charged $4k for a “STEIN JEWELRY” in Glendale, CA against my debit/checking card on the 23rd. Needless to say, no one was around on Christmas Eve to do anything but shut down my banking accounts
  • I had no food today. So I went to Safeway, on Market near Castro, knowing it would be open. Bad idea. I asked the person in the front of the line how long they’d be there, “An hour and 15 minutes.”
  • Moving on, I found the Safeway in Diamond Heights to be open. Wasn’t near as packed, and was rather pleasant. I visited it twice, even — mostly because I’m stupid and don’t make lists of what I need.
  • Thus concludes my Christmas alone.

Merry Whatever-the-Fuck-you-Celebrate-Or-Don’t.

In me

Dispatches from the far side of Neptune

Dec 7, 2005 | One Comment

I’m lazy, and kinda whacked, so a brief summary of what I’ve been up to:

  • I quit my crap job. Yay! Good idea, some good people, clueless people in charge. Same ol’ story.
  • About two months ago I started having problems with panic attacks. The first one landed me in the ER, as I thought I was stroking out or having a heart attack. Very debilitating. I will expand on this later, but suffice to say, I’ve always been one of those mind over matter types, and this thing attacked me like a charging rhino and made a fool of me. Much respect.
  • I dealt with the above two for about 2 months, but once the first happened, the other mysteriously disappeared.
  • Bought a house. Escrow closed a month ago, I gave the guy a month to vacate, and I get the keys tomorrow. It’s in Twin Peaks, yes, you’re invited to the party, and I don’t need a gift.

more later…
*tap* *tap* Peace Out. 🙂