Rather than write anything interesting, I’ve been wasting my time adding fluff!
So, now there’s themes and an open external links in new window toggle. Look for them in the side bar under “Themes” and “Options.” Requires JS and cookies, and you Safari users will find the link targeting option missing, as it doesn’t seem to work despite it throwing no script exceptions.
Update: fixed the Safari thing…
RIAA stupidity
Last month, the RIAA announced it would go after individual file-traders on P2P networks. The result? An increase of 10% on Grokster and Morpheus. Villianizing casual computer users is not likely to endear anyone to the record labels or cause a stampede to the CD aisle, especially after they were just busted for years of CD overcharging and forced to give token refunds. However, if this current campaign sees any success, it will be short lived: the P2P landscape will simply change to work-around the RIAA. Believing it will stop is naive.
Nipple Diameter!
I thought I’d seen a survey for everything, then I was sent this link. So how do you stack up?
No more Acura CL
According to Motor Trend, Acura will discontinue the CL model, the coupe cousin of the TL, this fall. Being the proud owner of a 2003 CL MT Type-S, I’m sorry to see it go. They may bring it back in 2005, but if they don’t, I’m gonna have to start looking at the G35 (gack!), with it’s Espresso-maker cum ATM interior. (Pop-up nav systems say bad design, not geekchic.)
However, the new 2004 TL sounds like a winner:
Bush: mentally ill?
Not like I needed proof, but here it is from the mouth of a professional…
“Dr. Norman Doidge, professor of psychiatry at the University of Toronto, has identified among the telltale symptoms of fanatics: an intolerance of dissent, a doctrine that is riddled with contradictions, the belief that one’s cause has been blessed or even commanded by God, and the use of reinforcement techniques such as repetition to spread one’s message.
Sound like anyone you know? George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle — come on down!”
Full article:
Wonder why the WMD are MIA? The answer may lie in the DSM — the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.