Agreeing with the RNC
Not that CNN is unbiased or even “fair and balanced,” but yesterday I noticed them scrolling something across the marque during the Democratic presidential debate. “RNC: ‘Bickering between democratic candidates is vile'” (Interesting that the “liberal media” scrolled a message from the RNC in a space they only otherwise used for summarizing comments from candidates.)
The sad part is, I couldn’t agree more. It’s disgusting, and completely counter-productive. I realize it’s primary season, but the circus surrounding the Democratic candidates this year is creating more attention than ever… caution and appropriate behavior is paramount. The attention on attacking fellow possible Democratic nominees is, well, vile indeed. In this respect, I have to hand it to John Edwards for behaving like a gentleman and not attacking front-running Dean. I also have to hand it to Dean for asking the other candidates to join him in supporting the Democratic nominee no matter whom it may be during the debate. That was good politicking.
Meanwhile, Lieberman grossly attacked Dean getting down into nuts n’ bolts that really probably don’t matter at the end of the day. Jesus, no one is Jesus. (Not that Lieberman believes in Jesus, but anyway.) This needs to stop, less the whole bunch be summarily dismissed by the voting public at large… Dems included.
Naturally, the candidates I liked most from the debate last night were Kucinich and Mosley Braun. They’re the leftist of the bunch, and I did notice left-wing advocate Ralph Nader on “Crossfire” today basically endorsing Kucinich as a “Democrat,” although he may still run as an independent. Whatever Ralph, let your ego lie and stay out. Please. Meanwhile, Kucinich and Mosley Braun don’t stand a chance, so hopefully whomever the front-runner is will adopt some of their platform. (Not likely, though Kucinich made a shot at Dean for that last night trying to get him to adopt some of his platform. Good move, Dennis.)
I just don’t know what 2004 holds for us in the election. It’s going to be intense and crazy, that’s for sure. Yes, the goal indeed is getting Bush out of office. In fact, I think that’s paramount to saving the country at this point. Bush has been 10x more effective than even his father or two-timer Reagan into turning this country into a fiefdom for the rich, and leaving the rest of us as a disenfranchised servant class. In this respect, he’s been one of the most successful presidents ever… and 99% of the country suffers as a result.
If you Southerners and Midwesterners could just see past the God and flag-waving thing, you’d see what you’re getting yourselves into… but that won’t happen.
Um, God, save me? Please?
Thanks for the Cakestand, Mikey…
…it’s perfect! Convertible type, which you can invert into a fruit or punch bowl considering they’re such space hogs. Thank you!
Let them eat cake.
Bad. Stupid. Idiotic. Silly. Insulting (to Philip K. Dick). Badly filmed. Bad makeup. Moronic. Ridiculous. Lame.
Ugh, adjectives make me tired… you get the idea.
Unfucking Believable
I go out to have breakfast with my old boss this morning in Palo Alto. On the way, I stop for a car wash. When we get there, as always I park away from everyone, as I don’t want anyone touching my car, dinging it, molesting it, looking at it funny, thinking bad thoughts about it, etc. Trust me, I’m beyond anal about my car… to the point where I just annoy the shit out of most of my passengers. I’m even crazy enough to have bought a camera phone just to take pictures of license plates if I’m forced to park near someone in a crowded parking lot.
However, during breakfast, some shitbag hit my car, leaving a giant dent in my front quarter panel and tearing the front body molding. (Think reversing out of parking space and turning too sharp.) Shitbag left no information. Even a fucking apology would of been nice. I know this happened there, since I walked around and inspected the car not 3 hours earlier at the car wash and the only place I had parked was in that lot.
People suck.
Oh, and during breakfast? A roach crawled up onto the table under my left arm. I should of been suspicious — God’s been known to warn before via insects.
It’d be a small miracle, but if you saw anyone in the city parking lot behind 447 California St in Palo Alto hit-n-run a black Acura this morning around 11a-noon, let me know. I swear I’d hunt them down like a dog in the night if I had anything to go on…
Jesus, people suck!
Any recommendations for a top-notch body shop in the bay area?
Anyway… Happy New Year. I don’t think it’s possible for 2004 to such any worse than 2003, so at least that’s something… right?
Ugh, so unhappy.
Celine’s Grammar
I don’t know why this irritates me so much, after all, she’s ESL… but Chrysler should know better. And I’ve been laying around the house all day and suffered through it many times… so you’ll suffer with me.
Here’s Celine for the PT Turbo (thanks, CC):
I don’t understand the concept of
All we need
The power of one is stronger
Don’t you find that ironical
When love is all we need
Jesus fuck. Ironical? Um, Ironical?!? WTF? Sooo… irritating.
Note to self: get a life.
Merry Xmas from Republicans and the Meat Lobby
- WASHINGTON – Legislation to keep meat from downed animals off American kitchen tables was scuttled — for the second time in as many years — as Congress labored unsuccessfully earlier this month to pass a catchall agency spending bill.
Now, in the wake of the apparent discovery of the first mad-cow case in the United States, the author of the House version of the cattle provision wants to press the issue anew when Congress returns Jan. 20 from its winter recess. The massive, $373 billion spending bill covering several government agencies is still pending in the Senate.
“I said on the floor of the House that you will rue the day that because of the greed of the industry to make a few extra pennies from 130,000 head, the industry would sacrifice the safety of the American people,” said Rep. Gary Ackerman, D-N.Y., chief House sponsor. “It’s so pound foolish.”
The provision dealing with downed cattle didn’t even make it into the compromise version of the legislation that House and Senate conferees brought before Congress late in the year.
Merry Whatever…
Merry Christmas!
Merry Hanukah!
Merry Kwanza!
Merry Festivus!
Merry Day-Before-Returning-Presents-Day!
Whatever you are, whatever you practice, however pissed off you are at everything being closed on a Christian holiday, Merry 25th! 🙂
mini iPods?
With Apple selling 1.79 iPods per minute in 2003, they’re still not satisfied… Now, apparently aiming at the low-end MP3 market, a mini iPod is rumored for Expo 2004.
Think Secret pegs ~$100 mini iPods (in multiple colors) with 2-4GB capacities.
Also rumored: major iLife updates to iMovie, iDVD, iPhoto, and iTunes.
I’m still lusting for the video iPod (probably reality but maybe not ready for primetime) and the Mac tablet, which is perhaps a bit more far fetched…
SprintPCS to carry T608, but BIG cavaet
Seriously stupid Sprint has finally decided to carry the T608… a phone which they sat on forever due to SonyEricsson’s decision to stop producing CDMA phones. It will be the first (and only that I know of) SprintPCS phone to offer bluetooth.
But here’s the catch: they will not offer unlimited Vision on the phone, presumably to prevent people from using it as a wireless modem.
Even though I have “unlimited” Vision, I use it maybe once a month at most… granted, given the wireless modem thing, I might use it a lot more, so I kinda see their point, but this is a serious slap in the face for a lot of us who have been waiting for this phone.
To make matters worse, there’s only a limited number available. So get yours now if you want it… 1-866-PCS-AUTO
Of course, if I get the phone, I’ll need the Bluetooth capable car to go with it.
I’m so going to hell…
Last minute gift shopping? How about a Baby Jesus Butt Plug.