Few More…
Per request, a few more pics up…
[ Hmmm… I need to figure out a way to get some of those Google ads in those iWeb photo galleries. Granted, only $30 so far, but maybe I can pay for 11 months of hosting out of the year instead of 12… that’s 8% savings! Yeah, screw you too.
UPDATE: Well, that was easy. Now I need to ask Google why this gallery has been tagged for PS3 ads. “Yellowstone 3” == “PlayStation 3”??? okay then… ]
Back for the Attack
No, I’m not referring to Dokken’s superb 1987 metalfest, but these panic/anxiety attacks which haunted me about 6 months ago. Guess what’s back?
I thought it was just my shitty job, and in particular, a few assholes there — who just really needed to die. I quit shitty job. The panis did go away for awhile, but now I’m back with the medicated joy that is Ativan.
Also back on the blood pressure medicine. (NORVASC — Pfizer patented natch, and thus super expensive. Bastards.) Even got myself one of those monitor things at Walgreens so I can get an early start as a paranoid retiree. (It’s sky high.)
I mean, I know I’m probably not going to stroke out, but it’s just a tiny bit distracting when it feels like death is imminent — for 3 days on end…
I ‘spose I’m trying to justify why I’m in the house when it’s just absolutely lovely outside and there’s this parade thing and a free concert in Stern Grove today…
So Gay
More pictures of Yellowstone — flowers, elk, coyote, pronghorn, raven, bison, waterfalls and even a super gay rainbow!
Das Photos
I’ve managed to sneak off a few shots when not battling Germans for the best locations.
Knock yourself out. I’d put more up, were it not that I’m on dialup and I don’t like you that much anyway.
Tomorrow off to Jackson and the Tetons for two days.
Airport Fun
So I’m going through Salt Lake City today and this Wal-mart target demo fam parks it right in the middle of the path, nearly forcing me into their horde of supersized spawn and airport-appropriate rubber flipflops.
“Jesus!” I muttered under my breath, as I turned to circumvent..
Mom does a 180, gets all bug-eyed and snaps, “IS OUR LORD AND SAVIOR!”
Not quite the apology I was looking for, but twas fairly witty…
Anyway, my moms and I are parked about 20-odd miles outside of Yeller-stone. Nothing but rain on the drive out here, but at least we’re living large in the Caddy DTS. So eco-friendly.
Nothing says fun like… WYOMING!?
Off to Yellowstone and Jackson Hole for a week.
My itinerary thus far:
- Use new Canon 30D, take many many pictures — since so few of the area exist..
- Hike (like, duh)
- Indulge my disaster fetishism. ‘Resurgent caldera’ sounds hawt, huh? ‘Supervolcano?’ Pfft! Too tarty.
- Avoid being taken as a mate by a moose… there’s been some hanging around SF, I’m told it’s me
- Fashion meself a coon-skin hat… Or perhaps a pashmina
- Be more like local Harrison Ford: get loaded, fly private plane, crash
- Answer: can Old Faithful be used as a bidet?
Stewart takes down Bill Bennett
I never know why Jon Stewart softballs some asshats then smartly annihilates others, but this segment over ‘gay marriage’ with Bill Bennett made my nipples hard.
“I disagree. It’s a debate about whether you think gay people are part of the human condition or just a random fetish.”