In me

Back for the Attack

Posted by: on Jun 25, 2006 | No Comments

No, I’m not referring to Dokken’s superb 1987 metalfest, but these panic/anxiety attacks which haunted me about 6 months ago. Guess what’s back?
I thought it was just my shitty job, and in particular, a few assholes there — who just really needed to die. I quit shitty job. The panis did go away for awhile, but now I’m back with the medicated joy that is Ativan.
Also back on the blood pressure medicine. (NORVASC — Pfizer patented natch, and thus super expensive. Bastards.) Even got myself one of those monitor things at Walgreens so I can get an early start as a paranoid retiree. (It’s sky high.)
I mean, I know I’m probably not going to stroke out, but it’s just a tiny bit distracting when it feels like death is imminent — for 3 days on end…
I ‘spose I’m trying to justify why I’m in the house when it’s just absolutely lovely outside and there’s this parade thing and a free concert in Stern Grove today…