Flying Penis
Chess legend cum politician Garry Kasparov is interrupted during a speech.
Was chatting at work about picking up a portable GPS, and… Just watch the greatest ad ever made:
Separation Anxiety
WASHINGTON, DC—A confused President Bush broke free from the restraint of Secret Service agents this morning and ran in pursuit of departing deputy chief of staff Karl Rove’s car for several blocks down Pennsylvania Avenue before being outdistanced by the vehicle.
Fabulous San Mateo
…went for lunch in San Mateo and found a wig palace and some chicken poop. Good times.
Team Geo X-Treme
If your ride is as embarrassing as a decade old 3-cylinder Geo Metro, it’s always good to have a sense of humor about it:
N Baby Mascot == Good Candy
My package of Conguitos came with a free plastic Sambo!
According to their web site:
Conguitos, roasted peanuts covered in chocolate, have been on the market for over 40 years. Their mascot, the Conguito, is a familiar and endearing character.
Due to evolution and the changing times, our mascot has also evolved and slightly changed in order to adapt to the present day.
When the “Conguito” was born in the sixties the mascot was perceived as a tiny character covered in chocolate and it has slowly evolved and been updated.
Um, okay. We’re not making fun of black people, honest! It’s a tiny character covered in chocolate. Or tar. Wait, chocolate.
This all makes much more sense after listening to their kickin’ theme song. Okay, well, perhaps not.
cc: Revs. Jackson and Sharpton
There’s more than 10 billion chickens in the world, but only one…