Check out this wingnut over at Amazon reviewing Kelley’s “The Family”…
I’m watching Ms. Kelly, on Hardball right now, and Chris Matthews is grilling her with the infamous “unnamed sources”, “logical assumptions”, and flat out lies that compile the content in this book. There’s NOTHING on the record in this book. Quite frankly, Ms. Kelley appeared to be on cocaine herself during this interview. For Amazon to keep this book on the shelves, is Un-American. Many mainstream, “Liberal” news agencies have canceled interviews with her and now she’s suing them. I hope Ms. Kelley gets what she deserves…a lifetime in Leavenworth.
What is it with these people? Life in prison? I just think they need some good ol’ fashioned buttsex…
R-OK Senate Candidate
Channeling Duncan Black Atrios again, this one almost made me fall outta my chair:
A doctor who has performed abortions wants there to be the death penalty for those who perform them. He also sterilized a 20 year old woman without her consent, and then illegally billed Medicaid for the procedure. He said “That [“the gay”] agenda is the greatest threat to our freedom that we face today.” He criticized NBC for showing “Schindler’s List,” saying that it promoted “irresponsible sexual behavior.”
Oh, and he’s the Republican candidate for Senate from Oklahoma.
VP, Last I Looked
Apparently, the White House has decided that transcripts need footnotes. How they must miss Ari.
Witness ScottyBoy today, and the after-the-fact footnote:
Q Why did the President defy a direct order to get a physical in 1972?
MR. McCLELLAN: Scott, these are the same old recycled attacks that we see every time the President is up for election. It’s not surprising that you see a coordinated effort by Democrats to attack the President when Senator Kerry is falling behind in the polls. And we had a very successful convention, and that’s what this is about. It was well known that the President was going to work in Alabama and seeking a transfer to perform equivalent duty in a non-flying status. And that’s what he was doing.
Q Did he decline to take it because he was moving to Alabama?
MR. McCLELLAN: He was transferring to a unit in Alabama to perform equivalent duty in a non-flying status. That is nothing new.
Q This was a direct order he defied, right? I mean, he did have a direct order that he defied?*
MR. McCLELLAN: John, these issues have come up every year. This was all part of the records — that he was seeking to transfer to a unit in Alabama because he was going there to work in a civilian capacity. And he was granted permission to do so. And he was proud of his service and he was honorably discharged in October ’73, after meeting his obligations.
*The memos that were released, in fact, show the President was working with his commanders to comply with the order.
Um, okay, nice footnote. Evidence please? There’s no links, no sources, no documents. You felt the need to footnote a *transcript* for fuck’s sake, so back it the hell up. Hello, a TRANSCRIPT! Fuckwads.
In the same press conference, this gem. Let’s all consider the the source — Al Gore, Vice President of the United States for 8 years, apparently not-at-all credible. Or not:
Q Al Gore is saying today that Cheney’s comments on the election are sleazy and despicable and an effort to blackmail voters with fear. That’s from Al Gore today — Al Gore in response to Cheney’s comments about another terrorist attack coming. If Kerry is elected — Al Gore is calling Cheney’s comments —
MR. MCCLELLAN: Consider the source.
Q He was Vice President, last I looked.
Douche-baggery. Say it with me, “douche-baggery.”
Catching up on The Daily Show from last week. (God bless TiVo!)
And to those critics who are so pessimistic about our economy, I say, don’t be economic girly-men!
Yes, for the 1.3M Americans who have sunk into poverty this year, Arnold’s message to you is simply, “Suck it up faggots.” “Walk it off.” “You can do it.”
While I’m talking about it, more on the Arnold speech:
Arnold crowed over the Nixon/Humphrey debate. Nevermind there was actually was no such debate, and Nixon was thrown out of office months later in disgrace.
Also nevermind this wasn’t the only flatout lie. Case in point: the “Soviet tanks” comment. There never were any Soviet tanks in his Austrian hometown when he lived there.
Total meatbag.
(Of course, we should probably blame Karen Hughes for the blunders, not Arnold. She was so busy with the Zell “I challenge you to a duel” Miller fascist manifesto and the Shrub proclamation of disinformation vs. insurmountable facts, she probably forgot to fudge these facts as well as the others. Hope she’s getting overtime, the poor girl. More on Hughes: The Other Women)
UPDATE: My GOP friend notes that I may have taken things out of context. So, I’ll concede Arnie never used the word “debate” and he never said the tanks were in his hometown — just in Austria. Does anyone else get the facts vs. implication angle? Of course not, because that matters not. I’m just a liberal baby eater.
So let’s break down to true analysis, implication aside: Arnie based his decision to be a Republican entirely on TV. So he says. That same TV provided him all said needed principles to align himself to a party, God bless El Impeachadiablo Nixon. Secondly, wherever Soviet tanks appeared in Austria, he was there — apparently privy to some sort invasion schedule from the enemy — so he could make such a claim at the RNC. Unless he’s holding out on some sort of unexpected vacation which included Soviet tanks as a bonus. Because, as those pesky facts dictate, they did not parade down Main St. in his hometown. But he SAW them. So he must of been traveling. Or something. Honestly, I tend to think the Soviet Tank Tour of Austria is a bit less exciting than the Sex Tour of Cambodia, but bygones…
KE04 Office Plan
Like, um, really funny:
[ credit: Wonkette ]
“Factual Errors”
Suckholes at CNN obsessed with a Kerry “factual error” in a speech this morning, when Kerry said General Shenseki was fired by the Bush admin. over a disagreement. In fact, he “retired.” Yeah, retired. Uh huh. Retired. Right…
Meanwhile, here’s Dicky yesterday, letting us all know that if we don’t re-elect them come Nov. 2nd the terrorists have won:
It’s absolutely essential that eight weeks from today, on Nov. 2, we make the right choice, because if we make the wrong choice then the danger is that we’ll get hit again and we’ll be hit in a way that will be devastating from the standpoint of the United States.
Priorities, you weenies. Priorities. I mean, after all, Cheney is apparently privy to some information that electing Kerry will directly lead to a terrorist attack. Those are the facts I want to know.
One annoying habit of my liberal brethren in the blogosphere is to seize on any harsh denunciation of the Bush administration by Andrew Sullivan as a breath of fresh air, or something. Look, there are moderates and open minded Republicans whose opinions we can respect and whose opposition to the Bush administration is more than welcome, but Andrew Sullivan is not one of those people. Andrew Sullivan is one of those people who, as Charles Pierce has suggested, should simply be shunned by all decent people.
In the immediate aftermath of September 11th, Sullivan wrote this:The middle part of the country – the great red zone that voted for Bush – is clearly ready for war. The decadent Left in its enclaves on the coasts is not dead – and may well mount what amounts to a fifth column.
This is something he’s so proud of that he’s included it in the “greatest hits” section of his blog.
Sullivan was literally concerned that the “decadent Left” was plotting treason against the country, desiring to aid and abet terrorists. And, with this began the mission by armchair warriors everywhere to do what they imagined was their duty – to hunt down and destroy anyone who was insufficiently enthusiastic about whatever the latest Bush administration policy was. This warblogger mission was, in their eyes, a noble mission. At least as noble as, say, enlisting. Thus began the process of the marginalization of anyone who would seriously question the course of this “war on terror.” Disagreement with the Bush administration became disagreement with “America.” People who were “anti Bush” became “anti America” and “pro terrorist.”
You reap what you sow. If the patriotically correct police had been a bit more concerned with the actual battle against terrorism, instead of whatever Susan Sontag wrote that week, they may have noticed that the administration was diverting money and resources away from Afghanistan and towards Iraq. They may have noticed that the desire to go to war in Iraq – something the warbloggers such as Sullivan who, having been disappointed by the premature ejaculation of the conflict in Afghanistan eagerly joined – would ensure that their first pet war would be a disaster both for us and for the people of Afghanistan.
Then we got to pet war two. Sullivan and ilk called us appeasers. Compared us to Chamberlain. Said we were “objectively pro-Saddam.” The 101st Fighting Keyboarders had their second mission – to take us to war in Iraq. Let’s remember the climate they helped foster. Remember the shit-storm which erupted when Natalie Maines said the following:So you know, we’re ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas.
If their fans hate them for that, fine. But this attitude was mainstreamed by the media, as if such a statement was truly outside the bounds of polite discourse. This culminated in the ridiculuous Diane Sawyer interview. Oddly, Maines actually hadn’t said a damn thing about Iraq, but in that climate Iraq was everything.
Once again, if we hadn’t been living in that climate, nursed by Sullivan and propagated by our mainstream media, we may have had more people asking tough questions about Afghanistan. Asking tough questions about the reasons for war. Asking tough questions about the disastrous handling of post-Saddam Iraq.
None of these things concerned Sullivan. His mission was to tar dissenters as treasonous supporters of dictators.
So, who the fuck cares what Andrew Sullivan thinks about anything?
Preach on, brother…
I honestly think we give Sullivan too much leeway because he’s a “boutique” conservative: a fag who loves Bush. His recent enlightening re: the Iraq war isn’t “enlightening” so much as it’s merely waking the hell up — way to late — to the painfully obvious. We latch on to him out of shear perplexity… unable to rationalize why someone who is so clearly hated by his chosen party blindly supports said party.
So, right, who the fuck cares what Andrew Sullivan thinks.
Oh, the Heat…
God damn San Francisco and its lack of air conditioning…
Meanwhile: What do oppressive police states, late night office cleaners who like to “show off,” a presidential inter-racial affair, and a pie n’ karaoke party all have in common? My trip to NYC! Stay tuned.
Daryn and Rush Sitting in a Tree…
(Kagan and Limbaugh.)
…’scuse me while I crawl outta my skin.
Guess who’s going to the RNC?
Oh yeah, baby, ME!
Actually, I have to be in NYC next week for other reasons, but the irony certainly is not lost. I’m open for suggestions on how to crash the party, or at least piss off some wingnuts. Maybe I can get on TV humping Candy Crowley’s leg or something… okay, maybe not that, but dammit, the temptation is just too great. So what should I do, besides yelling FUGGEDABOUTDIT out the window?