Overheard on MUNI
“So… can you do my friend?”
“Um, okay. Why the hell not. I’ll do him.”
The Abu Ghraib Files
Salon’s got 279 photos and 19 videos from Rummy’s favorite little pet project in Iraq.
If you weren’t disgusted enough, some choice quotes from the nutosphere:
[The US] “does not permit, tolerate, or condone torture under any circumstances”
– Condi Rice
– Rush Limbaugh
“more outraged by the outrage than we are by the treatment.”
– Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK)
“There was underwear on the head of one of them. We’re not raping and killing anybody.”
– Sean Hannity
“fraternity prank”
– Rush Limbaugh
“Clearly, more pictures of Abu Ghraib help the terrorists, as do Geneva Convention protections and civilian lawyers. So theres no question the ACLU and the judges who side with them are terror allies.”
– Bill O’Reilly
UPDATE 8:02pm: How could I forget the biggest fans?
“We do not torture”
– George W. Bush
“this new paradigm renders obsolete Geneva’s strict limitations on questioning of enemy prisoners and renders quaint some of its provisions.”
– Alberto “Abu” Gonzales
It kinda snowed here today, well, more precisely, it was probably a soft hail that accumulated. About an inch, actually. I tried to take a picture outside my house, but couldn’t figure out the whole night-shot goodness on my camera.
At any rate, a few hours later, I caught this pathetic smoking snowman still alive atop a trashcan @ Safeway.
Attention North Carolinans!
You’ve got a winner running for Congress: Vernon Robinson! He apparently starts off each day with a big giant bowl of crazy. C&L’s got a lovely little gem of a campaign commercial:
This is isn’t a joke or a parody commercial. It’s just insane. Robinson is running for Congress in North Carolina and he uses the Twilight Zone theme to attack gays, judges, African Americans and just about anything or anyone else you can think of.
[ hat tip to DT ]
This retarded headline over at sfgate barely prepares you for the ridiculous article.
“I felt like ‘Brokeback Mountain’ was a film that brought Americans together over issues of homophobia,” said Grant Colfax, who hugged and wept with his partner, Rod Rogers, as the final award of the night went to a movie that instead explored issues of race. Although Colfax said he liked “Crash,” he called it a safe choice.
Others were less diplomatic.
“I think that’s an absolute horror,” said Brad Bruner, who is a leader in the Golden State Gay Rodeo Association. “It’s an outright sign of homophobia in our country. (‘Crash’) won no awards before this. It makes me sick.”
Weeping? WEEPING? Homophobic Hollywood? Cowboy fags from the 60s a modern day bridge builder? Good gravy, what a bizzare reality distortion field. Last I checked, we still live in a world where we worry about SpongeBob’s sexuality and Katrina was punishment for homosexuality.
Intakes, Pumps, and Exhausts
This thing’s like a friggin’ 747…
Mac pr0n
May-December Romance
New “Quad” today. They’re doing the digital tango right now and sharing their bits, should be ready in an hour or two. Big guy sure is heavy, but so very very purty.
Local Bar
This bar is around the corner from work. A good thing, and a step up from the old haunt. (I do miss Nina, though..)
At any rate, one of the bartenders was passed out and sleeping at the end of the bar tonight. I’m not the most drunk guy the bar — and, oh snap!, tthe most drunk guy works there! Fan-fucking-tastic!
It’s got good food during the day, good beer at night. Ah, I’ve come home. 🙂