Well Stocked

Posted by: on May 15, 2008 | 0 Comments

Look what I found at work! And not being used!

portable A/C

Well Insulated

Posted by: on May 14, 2008 | 2 Comments

Came home today around 7. It’s around, oh, 68 outside. Inside my house? 83.

Living room poolOpen windows do me no good when there’s no breeze.

I does dawn on me, however, that since I’m not renting I could put a pool in my living room without any disclosure…

Nevermind, I know what I’m doing tomorrow.

Living room pool! Clothing optional! Any takers?

My Favorite 5 Days of the Year

Posted by: on Apr 10, 2008 | 0 Comments

Property taxes due today.

Income tax due in 5.

This searchable database over at the Chronicle really irritated me. Over 8,000 SF city & county employees are paid over $100k a year. A lot of that is overtime. A “special nurse” for the DPH was paid $117k base and $216k in overtime in 2007 netting $350,324. Cops, firefighters, DAs and bureaucrats fill out the ranks of the extremely overpaid. Why is this city insisting on making a Republican out of me? I mean, there is a fiscal shortfall and all. My uber-coiffed mayor wants a crackdown, but I just doubt it’s gonna happen. Once you can afford the ultimate feast at Red Lobster every night, there’s no going back without a fight.

Don’t even get me started on that Olympic Torch nonsense yesterday…

Attn: 801 Corbett Arsonists

Posted by: on Aug 14, 2007 | 0 Comments

Look, I realize the building’s ugly, and I’d love nothing more than for it to be razed to the ground, but I do live one door down and I could do without the frequent scares. First there was 5 months ago where an apartment burnt out of the building, 2 days later there was a flare-up, and then again tonight? Sheesh. The frequent false alarms probably don’t help either.

Most of the fireworks seemed to be over by the time I got home, anyone got the skinny on what exactly burned? I’m guessing something considering the wet street.

Neighborly: CBT TOP

Posted by: on Aug 14, 2007 | 0 Comments

Parked a couple of doors down:

Maybe new to the neighborhood or just stopping by?

Don’t think I’ll be attending any house warming parties in the near future.

Oh My: What are these girls doing?

Posted by: on Aug 4, 2007 | 0 Comments

Spotted inside the Beach Chalet building:

Craigslist: no IKEA option plz

Posted by: on Jul 9, 2007 | No Comments

For sale is now separated by owners/dealers, cool and all, but it sorely needs a 3rd filter: No Fucking IKEA. It’s inescapable pressboard land now.

At right: some sad fag chases after $15 for the 2nd week in a row.

Tired but True: MUNI

Posted by: on May 13, 2007 | 0 Comments

I’ll summarize up top: is there anyway to find out ‘incident’ stats on MUNI? Accidents, claims, etc?

Background: I live on Corbett, lower side of Twin Peaks, right above Market. It’s a twisty street serviced by the 37. And MUNI tried to kill me.

A few months ago, I had just turned off Portola on Corbett coming down to my house, and the 37 came tearing around a blind corner, doing at least 40, and occupying 1/3 of MY side of the road. I slammed on the brakes and banked right as much as possible. Parked cars made it impossible to seek complete shelter. The 37 took my driver’s side mirror off, leaving it dangling like an eviscerated organ, and coming within about 4 inches of killing me. Plowing into a 3500 lb car with 20+ tons of piss-soaked bus would of most certainly been my death.

Did the 37 stop? Of course not. I doubt they even felt it. When I called, did they even care? “Was there witnesses? How do we know it just didn’t happen on the street?” (Never mind I haven’t parked on the street since 2002 in San Francisco, and never in this car.) The replacement mirror cost under $300 — I suppose a small price for having not died, but what really pisses me off is that I still see this, day in and day out. Reckless high-speed driving, paying no attention to those pesky lanes. From both outside and inside the bus. At least twice a week, I make some sort of comment to myself about how “the 37 almost just killed me.”

So, anyone know where I can get stats on just how dangerous that bus is?

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Palo Alto? Really? For Shame.

Posted by: on Apr 12, 2007 | 0 Comments

Local Sex Acts By The Numbers

Palo Alto was the most surprisingly sexed-up burb in the whole mix. It turns out that 1 in 5,000 in Palo Alto are seeking anal. compared to San Francisco, where 1 in 4,000 are looking for backdoor action, Palo Alto may seem paltry for the anal enthusiast and lube salesman alike (in both cases, 27 percent are M4M). But considering that in most Bay Area cities in my survey only 1 in 10,000 are seeking anal, Palo Alto is actually seeking twice as much anal action as the rest of the Bay Area.

When you ride MUNI, thank me Bitch!

Posted by: on Apr 10, 2007 | 0 Comments

…ugh, property tax day. A mere week ahead of income tax day!

This will be a marathon bending over week.