In fun


Posted by: on Mar 10, 2005 | 0 Comments


“Welcome to York,” says York (Pa.) Daily Record managing editor Randy Parker about the truly Onion-esque story that ran in his paper today.
“Man Charged With Assault on Sheep” was the headline, and the true-life story, by Caryl Clarke, begins: “Somebody was making nighttime visits to farmer Terry Patterson’s sheep barn in the 600 block of Big Mount Road in Paradise Township.” It goes on to tell of a man arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting a sheep after the barn owner installed a barn alarm and intercom system to prevent such attacks.
But there’s more. Clarke’s story details the police arrest report and ends with a pull-out box highlighting previous incidents of bestiality in York, including a 1997 case involving a live turkey in a food plant and a 1992 encounter between a man and a ram at the York Fair.