In me

BofA Luvs Me

Posted by: on Sep 26, 2003 | One Comment

So, I deposited a bunch of money into my Bank of America checking account a few weeks ago to pay for a big expenditure. (Natch, I don’t give my “real” money to BofA.)
Since then, I’ve received no less than two “We luv you, we care” type letters in the mail, and today I got — get this — the 2004 Zagat Survey Movie Guide courtesy of BofA. As if that had ANY relevance to banking, or investing, or anything remotely related to BofA.
I don’t know if I’m just special, or if they’re trying to stem some bad press, but it sure is annoying and highly suspicious. Like most banks, they’re greedy, greedy, and greedy. Like really, really greedy. This means high fees, constant monitoring of your account for the slightest infraction (so they can charge a fee), and rude tellers who could probably be outsmarted by trained monkeys. (Of course, talking to the tellers costs a service fee — but, thankfully, talking to monkeys is still free.)
Alrighty then.
Update: I’m not special. My friend Lori got the same thing. Still: relevance. Please?